Case Studies | Dojo
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with Dojo

See how Dojo is empowering businesses to simplify space management, plan smarter, and drive better results.


How Our Customers Use Dojo

Return to Office pie chart breakdown

Return to Office:
Seeing the Whole Picture

Company F was implementing their Return to Office at their HQ in NYC. Occupancy was low, and they didn’t have the insights to drive their strategy. They knew: You can‘t manage what you don‘t measure.

Floor plan restack with quesiton marks

Restacking with Data:
Cutting through the Politics

Company S was restacking their floorplan to condense four fragmented, costly floors onto two. They needed to answer a controversial question -which departments would sit next to the Exec Team, and which would move?

Collaboration analytics network graph

The Hybrid Workplace:
Defining Workstyles with Data

To craft their hybrid strategy, Company B wanted to consider a combination of employee feedback (qualitative) and data about actual employee attendance and workstyle (quantitative).

Office space seating chart

Optimizing the Office:
From Problem to Opportunity

Company N’s Head of Real Estate knew they were underutilizing their large office footprint. But they struggled to say - with certainty - by how much and where.

Location analysis map

Location Analysis:
Redistributing the RE Footprint

Company P was noticing unusually low occupancy in their Jersey City office. If they were not working in Jersey City, where were they? 


City of New York logo

"Dojo is a game-changer! Its intuitive interface makes managing space a breeze. I love how customizable it is, allowing me to create detailed layouts effortlessly. The software's efficiency and accuracy have saved me countless hours. I highly recommend Dojo for anyone looking to manage their space effectively."

New York City skyline

Raymond Figueroa

Assistant Commissioner of Administrative Services @ DYCD

Why Customers Love Dojo


Focus on What Matters, Let Dojo Do the Heavy Lifting

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